Hi all, hope this is the right place to post this!
I am a sociology and social anthropology undergraduate student from the UK doing my dissertation on
permaculture. I will be using ethnographic methods which essentially means “deep hanging out” – this has obviously been made a bit difficult with the pandemic, but I hope to replicate this feeling through online interviews. Overall, my study will be looking at
permaculture practitioners’ relationships with the earth, nature, and the environment. I will be conducting super informal audio interviews, preferably over skype call, which will focus on your own experiences, how you got into
permaculture etc. Ideally it will last around 20-30 minutes, but it completely is up to you how much time you want to give. Please message me if you are interested in participating in this research and I will provide more info (information sheet and consent form) and
answer any questions! Thank you 😊