I think hedgerows are great, and there seems to be no end to what you can put in them.
I like this combination myself: Autumn Olive, Willow, Hazelnut, Mulberry,
Black Locust, Spicebush, and Blackberry. The Mulberry and Black Locust might need to be coppiced/pollarded. And how about Comfrey along the edges as a
root barrier to help keep things in their place?
Acanthus grass is another option I've seen used as a living
George Washington advocated the use of
Honey Locust for a living wall and hedgerow, but that is one mean plant to tangle with.
scilicet et tempus veniet, cum finibus illis agricola incurvo terram molitus aratro exesa inveniet scabra robigine pila, aut gravibus rastris galeas pulsabit inanis grandiaque effossis mirabitur ossa sepulcris.