Evaporative cooling has a long, and breathy history.
Folks first noticed how the dripping rain, and dew made the days cooler.
Then when they added clothes instead of fig leaves, they must have noticed the cooling effect of drying fibers.
Active cooling seems to have started with the first clay pots, where everyone noticed that the drying greenware was much cooler than the surrounding air. Throwing a wet towel over the top, to keep the bugs out helped even fired clay to stay cooler, so the original coiled clay Mitticool was developed.
After the stupid genius that invented beer, (drinking stuff with floating and bubbling mat on top ? really?) decided to bury his jar of juice, to keep junior from finding it, the next level was reached.
His gal found his secret stash, and instead of digging it up to dump it out, ladeled it out, and discovered it was much cooler than the pots she had in the house with UNspoiled food in them.
Realizing her hubby had bought her the latest in kitchen appliances, she immediately painted it advacado green, and had hubby install it in the kitchen nook, or as it was known then, the cave.
Time moved on, and hubby was still drinking.
One day, he spilled his beer all over his wifeys new woven curtains, (dont ask) and when the wifey found them, dripping and stained, the simultaneous discovery of cheesecloth and window fridges were made. Thereafter, cooler boxes, or window fridges were the latest technology for the homes that actually had holes in them on purpose.
Ok, some one else add a section....