I recently helped to create
Practical Plants, a
project to create a free and open wiki (editable by anybody) plant database. The site is up and running now with data and information on over 7000 plants!
However, many of those articles need work. Right now we're slowly converting an import of the PFAF database into a more complete article format. That means improving the information we have: things like expanding abbreviated descriptions, clarifying edible, material and
medicinal uses, extracting plant uses, functions, cultivation and propagation text to data, and so on. It also means adding new information: adding polycultures (guilds) and plant interactions (PFAF does not store guilds or link plants together) and adding a lot of new plants (PFAF generally only researches plants which do well in a British climate).
It's a big job and we need to build a small but passionate community to help us do it. If you've got an interest, we'd love you to be involved!
It's still early days, and people joining now can have a real influence on the way the website grows. Come along and say Hi in the forums to see how you can help!
Practical Plants is a collaboratively edited database of over 7000 plants with information on edible, medicinal and material uses, polycultures, interactions and more, and we need your help making it even better!
Written from XardÃn do Cernunnos, a little valley permaculture homestead in the beautiful hills of Galicia.