posted 3 years ago
Greetings everybody. Is anyone familiar with the "DuraTech Square Ceiling Support Box with Attic Insulation Shield"?
If possible, I'd like to run my single-wall pipe up to the ceiling support box, and then have the chimney pipe run through the attic on the other side.
What I can't seem to find out is whether I need to get a separate adapter for the stove-to-chimney, or if the ceiling support box already has the adapter built in. It seems to me that most ceiling support boxes work that way. Any help would be appreciated.
scilicet et tempus veniet, cum finibus illis agricola incurvo terram molitus aratro exesa inveniet scabra robigine pila, aut gravibus rastris galeas pulsabit inanis grandiaque effossis mirabitur ossa sepulcris.