I can get the organic matter in any amount in form of prunings from
trees and shrubs. I guess most suburban gardeners can get this simply by calling some gardeners and you will have the stuff delivered at your doorstep. Usually it would go to the tip.
At the moment I use it to make huegelbeds as the bottom layer. But cutting everything up by hand is a lot of work.
My idea is to use some of the material to produce charcoal and using this in a huegelbed.
The twigs and braches are delivered green. How could I produce the charcoal without an extra charcoal burner in an easy fashion?
Could I build up the huegelbed and burn it? How do green twigs burn? Would I still have to cut everything up?
I search for an intelligent but simple way to incoorporate huegelbed and charcoal.
Does producing charcoal create a lot of smoke? (I don't wamt the fire service to show up)