We are a fresh ecocommunity (kurjentila.fi) in southern Finland and we will have a EVS-project from start of May till end of October year 2013. We are now looking for six volunteers.
Participation is free for the volunteers (except for a possible contribution of a maximum of 10% of the travel costs) who also get board and lodging, insurance cover and an allowance for the duration of the
project. The volunteers can be from all continents, not only from EU-countries (map:
http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/img/youth/youth_worldmap_web.jpg ).
The volunteers will be part of community and the activities are similar to other community members work.
The opportunities for volunteers are for example:
- assisting in ecological building
- helping in biodynamic farming
- helping in simple household tasks as grosery shopping and cleaning
- building and maintaining dry toilets
- taking care of the farm animals
- using
local food for meals in the community
- vivifying the community through events and culture
- keeping company for the children and activating them
- designing new opportunities for
sustainable ecological living
The work will be mainly ecologiacl building and will contain physical work.
Please read more about EVS:
Our organisation:
Please contact us via
kurjentilanystavat@gmail.com !