I'm one of the unseen podcast people, have been for a couple of years now. I primarily listen in the car, but the problem I have is the other time I'm listening - whilst working in the garden!
I find the garden to be the best place to listen to the podcasts, as often I can supplement the audio with immediate observation. The problem is however, I'm forever getting the headphone cables caught on some branch as I'm working, and pull them out of my ears/unplug them, or even pull the iPod off my pocket. I'm sure someone else has a neat solution for this problem!
I've tried iPod in my front pocket (nano touch), headphone cables inside my T-shirt, but somehow they still manage to catch somewhere.
Being in Aus, I nearly always wear a broad brimmed hat, which I don't think falls off very often, so maybe I
should try tying the whole thing up there? Any other solutions pod people?