Friday July 24, 6:30-8:30pm $25 (+$35 materials)
Make a
compost tea maker and improve your garden's health. Learn the importance of foliar feeding and how to vastly improve each plant's nutritional density. Save a bundle. Take it home and make all the compost tea you want. Your garden will LOVE that you've done this for it!
A compost tea maker can improve your garden's health magnificently. Compost tea is a liquid microbial blend that significantly adds nutrients to your plants, puts beneficial organisms into the soil that supports the plants that grow in it, and also builds organic matter in that soil as well as improves the soil structure. It's wonderful stuff.
While really good compost can contain millions of beneficial organisms, compost tea adds billions and it can do it all in one application. The tea is aerated, not leached like normal tea, and includes food sources for all the microorganisms that multiply like crazy while the tea is brewing. One of the best reasons for having your own tea maker is because the tea is at its absolute peak for just the first few hours after brewing. Once you get to six hours later it's already losing potency.
Compost tea makers
sell for pretty hefty prices. Even small ones range from $150-400+, though I can't figure out why they're so expensive when they're so simple to make. That's why we're doing this
class. Come on up to the farm (we're a half hour north of PDX, carpools available) and make one with us. Everyone will go home with a five gallon size tea maker. While you're here we'll show you our new 55 gallon compost tea maker, too. Love this stuff!
Email us if you want to come. $25 per person and $35 for the materials for each tea maker you want to build. Taught by Joseph Freeman.
Friendly Haven Rise Farm
Battle Ground, WA
1 3/4 hrs S of Olympia, 35 min N of Portland