First, I love your website and how you've tied together landscape architecture,
permaculture and all things
sustainable. I'm part of a small group that is planning a permaculture-based
intentional community and farm on a 100+ acre site in the Carolinas. We hope to explore a similar range of skills and topics as Whole Systems Design, and to offer educational opportunities and access to
land for small organic farmers.
Is there anyone you would recommend for assistance with site and farm planning for our hot, humid climate? In particular, we're seeking advice on plant species and staging the restoration of the site. It has been farmed conventionally for decades, and except along the creek beds, most of the wooded areas are in young pine which will need to be thinned soon. It's a fairly worn out piece of land, but one with tremendous potential...deep sandy loam soils and plenty of
Thanks so much for sharing your insights on the forum this week. I can't wait for your book to come out...just wish I was closer to Vermont for a visit to your amazing place.