Hi Kate... Have you spent time in rural prairie before? I'm in Alberta so I can't speak for the specifics of that area.
Two things you might want to think about though..things I find challenging about my place..they are more socio-economic than they are about
land viability, I'm pretty sure you would be able to make the land work just fine.
First, how much driving are you willing to do? There used to be schools every four miles on much of the prairie...now everything is depopulated and centralized and auto-centric, and I need to drive a seventy mile round trip for supplies. It looks like Melville would be your main center, and trips to Yorkton or Regina now and then? Are you willing to go without things like music events or nights out / evening classes or lessons, etc? Or are you going to be ok with spending an hour and a half in a car in order to go and do something? If kids are in the picture, how long is the bus ride, is the
local school about to be closed, what's the travel time if they want to go to cubs or swimming lessons or something??
The second, related thing...if you are going to be earning a living off the land, how far is your nearest market? You might find that Regina might be your closest market. A lot of prairie farm-folk will already be growing their own massive gardens. Also they are unlikely to pay a premium for organic or naturally raised food....there seems to be a prevailing attitude in the more rural areas that home grown food
should be cheaper than what you buy in the store, and that's pretty hard to compete with. If you're gong to
sell in the
city, what are the travel costs and time commitments?
Just a couple of things to consider, good luck on it! It looks like nice country with lots of wetlands and close to some parks.