Permaculture Design Certificate Course
August 26 - September 2, 2013
This course provides you with tools to design and develop urban or rural properties, revitalize
local communities, and restore ecological balance. By understanding the patterns of nature, you will learn how to grow food, manage
water catchment and storage, utilize renewable
energy and build community. This course will also provide you with models of community by which to can create networks of support and empower others to do the same.
This is an 8 day, intensive
Permaculture course. The course will feature a down-to-earth, practical style of instruction in the vein of
Bill Mollison. Students will earn a
Permaculture Design Certificate. (With this certificate a graduate may confidently use the word
Permaculture in the promotion of their work or business.)
Instructor: Wayne Weiseman
Complete Info at: