To stay up-to-date on the happenings of the world of finance & geopolitics, I subscribe to Bloomberg's "Evening Briefing", a free email newsletter geared towards financial corporates. I don't know if I'd classify it as recommendable reading material - it's no dailyish - but today something different caught my eye.
At the bottom of the newsletter (where they typically include a "non-financial, & non-political" article), I read the headline: "There Are Better Ways to Build a Toilet".
The article it linked, which wasn't behind a paywall when I accessed it (as many of Bloomberg's articles are), discussed the feature of a Finnish architectural structure at the Venice Architecture Biennale. (According to
Wikipedia, the main agenda of the Biennale "is to propose and showcase architectural solutions to contemporary societal, humanistic, and technological issues" - cool!) The structure presented, known as a
Huussi, is... a composting toilet.
I'm just sharing this here because I thought it was nifty to see a technology I learned about on permies adorning the fringes of an email meant for jet-setting investment bankers and corporate executives. It's gotta be some sort of signal towards a hint of some level of maybe someday mainstream composting toilet adoption... right?