Hello folks. I'm here to present a trade proposal.
1. Cup plants ( dug up from my backyard)
2. New England Asters ( also dug up from my backyard)
3. seeds of Brown Eye Susan
4. Seeds of wild senna
5. possible plants of dug up false sunflower
1. Plants or seeds of sweet everlasting
2. Plants or seeds of dogbane or Indian hemp
3. Plants of more jewelweed
4. Strawberry spinach (seeds)
5. Purplestem angelica or rebeckia hirta both in plants
6. Prairie cordgrass
7. More wild strawberry
8. Wild kidney or Trailing wild bean
If any of have these or found them, please message me privately in the Purple Moosage and share some historic info and benefits of using them in our gardens. I'm trying to create some better
Native American ethnobotany gardens and wildlife ones to create an edifying experince. Thanks!