We have someone living in a caravan at the far corner of our property. When I wanted to extend our wifi network to give him better bandwidth, I originally set up a TP-Link access point on a pole mounted to the end of the garage and beaming across the paddock. This worked pretty well and he could get 15-20 Mb/s on good days. Then he moved the caravan to a different location relative to his shipping container and ended up blocked by
trees. Bandwidth took a nosedive and the best we saw was 1.5 Mb/s. So I got a couple of Ubiquiti NanoStation devices, put one on the container (back to line of sight) and set them to bridge mode. The remote one then talks over a short ethernet patch cable to the TP-Link, which covers the entire remote "compound." They run off a little 60W
solar panel and battery and we now see 30 Mb/s pretty much all the time.
So I would definitely recommend the Ubiquiti kit. Not terribly expensive (probably $200 US for two units) and if you use their bridging protocol it's dead easy to set up. And you can't bugger it up with a backhoe.