Thanks for the response Mark. I am glad to know someone else is doing bonsai.. I am a renter, so my ability to use this space the way I would like to is very limited. Most of my methods revolve around this fact.. I end up using pots because they are less permanent. It makes learning about/implementing a system such as
permaculture somewhat of a challenge... And about the deformity thing. I was referencing the "art of deformity", as I have heard this phrase used to describe the bonsai process. It makes sense to me in the way that we are altering/re-guiding/controlling (to a greater extend)/ and ultimately deforming nature. With that, I most certainly root prune. In my understanding, it is fundamental to the bonsai process and crucial to keeping plants alive for years. I have had a basil plant go for at least 16 months in a 5 x 5 inch square pot. I needed the space and the basil plant gladly went to Mrs. Chester's crock pot recipe. Bonsai is a great way to keep numerous plants in a tiny space. Also a great way of keeping mother plants for propagation...
Anyways, the plants are all but "deformed". If anything, they are re-formed.