Timber Framing and Cordwood Masonry
June 25-29, with
Rob Roy, author or the book,
Timber Framing for the Rest of Us
In this two-part
workshop, learn both timber framing and cordwood masonry with the Godfather and Grand Dame of cordwood, Rob and Jaki Roy. Limited spots are available in this two-part action-packed adventure workshops. Take either one of the sections or take both. Both is better, and cheaper.
Learn the
sustainable art of cordwood masonry, an old building technique combining the texture of stone masonry with the warmth of
wood. Using short logs and a special mortar mix, you will create a sturdy, natural and uniquely beautiful structure. Cordwood houses are low in cost, use indigenous materials, and are easy and fun to build.
We’re building the Earthwood Sauna design from the bottom up, including the timber frame, cordwood infill and earth/sod roof.
Workshop Overview
Part One: Timber Framing for the Rest of Us – Two Days (June 25-26). This
course covers basic “post and beam” construction as done by most contractors and owner-builders using sound building design and techniques using readily available mechanical fasteners made for the purpose. Morning classroom sessions cover structural principles and examples, including basic load calculations. During afternoon hands-on work sessions, students will build a 6-poster guest house. Each student in the course will be supplied with the textbook, Rob’s Timber Framing for the Rest of Us.
Part Two: Cordwood Masonry – Three Days (June 27-29). Morning sessions include cordwood theory, slide presentations, explanatory tours, and discussion of the three styles of cordwood construction: built-up corners (stackwall), round houses, and cordwood as infilling within a post-and-beam framework. The kinds of wood and how long to dry them is covered, as well as various alternative mortar mixes. Installing doors and windows is detailed, as is cordwood masonry “special effects.” Together, we will build a cordwood infilling within a small 6-poster timber frame. In addition, students will have the opportunity to consult with Rob about their own cordwood plans. This workshop gives the student a strong introduction to this ancient building technique.
The workshop includes lunch and snacks. You can stay in a nearby motel or camp on the farm. Breakfast and dinner will also be available for an additional charge.
On-Farm Camping with Meals
Workshop students are welcome to bring a tent and set up camp on the farm or stay in one of our three
shelter offerings. They consist of a room in the main house, a 10×12 little cabin/playhouse or our canvas teepee. We have an
outhouse with a composing toilet, an outdoor (not heated)
shower and a regular bathroom (with a heated
shower!) in the house for guests to use.
We’re offering a package plan that consists of breakfast, dinner and camping for $40 per day. We’ll make farm-fresh meals with
local, mostly organic ingredients.
If you want the room, teepee or cabin it will be an additional $75 for the five days of the full workshop. (first come first serve)
The nearest motel is Sunrise Inn, 860 East Main Street , Mondovi, WI 54755, (715) 926-5926 www.sunriseinnmondovi.com
Timber-framing: June 25-26, 2013 $280 (couples rate: $480)
Cordwood: June 27-29, 2013 $420 (couples rate: $480)
Take both parts and it’s only $640 ($1040 for a couple) (Unlike the government we don’t discriminate against same-sex couples)
For costs and registration go to cordwoodmasonry.com and sign up for our workshop in Mondavi, Wisconsin.