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More than 35 phenolic compounds have been identified in walnuts, and more than 12 compounds just in the green
fruit husk. Many of these materials have been cited as expressing allelopathic symptoms in plants and
microorganisms. These compounds tend to peak in concentration early in the growing season after full
leaf expansion because of their role in new tissue protection. Several of the identified phenolic compounds of walnuts have been shown to generate allelopathic impacts on surrounding plants. By far the largest concentration (and one of the most toxic), usually present at >20 times more than all the other of these
allelopathic materials in walnut, is juglone
Main allelopathic compound: Juglone
Plants mostly effected: Broad leaf plants.
More tolorant plants: grasses, Black berries, May
Note: The wild Blackberries in Ontario benefit from the relationship most likely due to reduced competition
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.