As you probably know, the 11th biennial International
Permaculture Conference and Convergence is coming up this November in Havana, Cuba. For American permaculturalists, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see first-hand what the Cuban people have done since losing their access to cheap fossil fuels in the early '90s.
Because the trip must be booked through an agency that handles all the travel arrangements, it is quite expensive, and not all of us who would like to attend will be able to do so. I'm hoping to crowd-fund my trip to Cuba by offering donors an all-access pass to what I learn there. My IndieGoGo fundraising page details what you will get in exchange for your contribution, and there's also a series of videos where I show off my urban farm in Emporia, Kansas. Learn more at
I'm posting this in the Midwest forum because some of the perks will require me to travel to your location, and cost would be prohibitive if you live far away, but there's no geographical limit for my online slideshows. Thank you in advance for considering it!
Ben Stallings
Interdependent Web