endophyte infected (EI), as compared to endophytefree (EF)
"Several years ago, scientists in New Zealand found that the Argentine stem weevil would devastate EF, but not EI,
perennial ryegrass. This insect is not a pest in the United States, but this knowledge is of concern because the endophytes in the two grasses are closely related.
Greenhouse and environmental chamber work at several locations has shown that several inset species prefer and/or develop more rapidly on EF fescue. Kentucky studies provided evidence that alkaloids in EI fescue are associated with increased resistance to insect feeding. A
greenhouse study in Alabama revealed over three times as many spiral nematodes associated with the
roots and soil of EF, than of EI, plants."
" -
Drs. Don Ball and Steve Schmidt
Cool. didn't know. I still think that longer grass is better than your average bowling-green
lawn(/desert) for insects. Just my opinion. But truthfully the grasses don't attract
bees, butterflies or the typical pollinators, because they don't need them. But habitat for beetles, (mosquito) and pretty much every other insect. Reason being that dew/rain has much longer lasting effects in longer grass than something munched/cut short. And bugs love water =)