Conium maculatum or Poison Hemlock is a member of the Apiaceae family. Apiaceae, also called Umbelliferae, is commonly known as the celery, parsley, or carrot family. Many plants of this family are aromatic plants with hollow stems.
Hemlock is
native to Europe, Kashmir, Iran, China, Afghainstan and North Africa, but frequently found in the US and southern Canada. It typically grows near fences, roadsides, fields, and abandoned construction sites.
Conium maculatum has many common names that refer to the fact that the plant is highly poisonous. It is known as Poison Hemlock, deadly hemlock, or poison parsley. Other common names are spotted or European hemlock.
Poison hemlock is sometimes confused with spotted
water hemlock (Cicutamaculata). Water hemlock is also extremely poisonous but is a different plant that is native to North America.