I wasn't sure where to put this, so if any mods want to move it, it's no problem.
I wanted to share this with you folks here at premies. Joan Maloof, the founder of the Old Growth Network is our dear friend, and I wanted to share with you the work she has done in creating the Old Growth Forest Network. The site is wonderful, and very self explanatory, so I won't take up too much time. Here is a piece from the site thats gives a good idea of what she, and the Old Growth Network are all about:
"To ensure that ancient forests are within reach of as many children as possible, there
should be at least one left “forever wild” in each county where forests naturally grow. These forests have positive effects on both the humans and the wildlife in our nation. They are open to visitation by all ages for physical recreation, spiritual renewal, natural history education and aesthetic appreciation. While purifying air and
water, these forests also serve as examples of the baseline conditions of our
land and reservoirs of genetic diversity. They are owned by many different public and private entities, but the Old-Growth Forest Network serves as a centralized repository for recognition, protection, and information"