I read on plants for a future that almost any part of the plant is edible, and that they produce starchy tubers without end. To me it seems like a perfect
permaculture plant, it grows rigorously in a LOT of different climates, I quote: "The plant is reported to tolerate an annual precipitation in the range of 31 to 241cm, an annual temperature in the range of 6.6 to 26.6°C and a pH of 4.8 to 8.2. Plants are hardy to about -20°c".
apart from that it seems very useful for all sorts of things: thatching, weaving, basketry, biomass, mulch etc. etc.
I read it is very invasive, so my thinking is to make a small
pond specifically for the reed, maybe even with a rhizome block.
now I wonder, does any
permie here have any
experience with it? does it taste any good? is it worth the bother of introducing a potentially invasive plant? would it spread into the "normal" soils, apart from the pond-edge too? or would it stay within the bounds of its
pond? I haven't seen it wild so far unfortunately, but I will keep my eyes open.