Hey everyone!
I just joined this website today because I'm interested in learning about sustainability/permaculture/
solar power, etc.
I am a 26 year old musician/actress/dancer from Los Angeles, a big, dirty, wonderful, but not
sustainable city. I've been escaping lots to Northern California lately. Jumping in rivers, eating fresh blackberries, meeting wonderful people, shopping at all natural supermarkets (we don't have those in LA - just Whole Foods!). I've been realizing more and more, that's the life I want to live. In harmony with the
land. And I want to work my ass of for that life.
Anyway, just a little intro about me. I'm actually currently looking for a farm in Northern California that might be looking for some live/work help. See, the thing is, I want to learn, so badly. I'm not interested in making money right now, I just want to learn these skills, meet some intelligent folk, and work for all that learning
experience. I'm thinking, at least 3-6 months...
I'm on the search. Hopefully I can learn some stuff, and meet some cool people through this site...and HOPEFULLY find a place!
Minni Jo - Burning Flower