If you are searching for areas to build a Permaculture homestead/farmstead/community/eco-village you might consider having a look at Nicaragua. There is basically no zoning or covenants to follow so you can do what you want on your property. As far as foreign real estate markets go there is a lot of value there still given you can deal with all of the pros and cons. I like the Nica. market because it is already well established in agriculture, it is aj afoordable cost of living and friendly toward ex-pats as investors with a contingency that one must cross the border very 90 days to renew their visa. This type of venture is better for folks who already have a secure monthly income or savings that can support them indefinitely, however, I've talked to others finding a way to do it edgewise but Nica. seems to be more predomonant in a cultural context than a National one. That said if you can adapt to the culture and go with the flow there it is better than learning the hard way in being counterculture to theirs. Surfing is BIG, lol. There are places like San Juan Del Sur an emerging ex-pat community on the coast that is an exception. I also like the quiet and serene ecological preserve Laguna D'Apoyo where a limited number of houses/properties are nestled along the jungle rim [exotic birds and monkeys] of a dormant volcano with protected pristine lake waters in the basin. I want to move there as a joint venture with other investors to buy discounted choice property [with cash] to use as my residential base and retirement destination. Having alliigned neighbors or in a small community can be advantageous in many ways in the long run. Plus it is only a matter of time before real estate prices go up. I recently saw a Pacific-side beach front property with house for $150 K. It's mostly a cash market with some partial financing options.
Anyway, if you are like me and want a warmer tropical climate/diet/year round growing season (even 6 months out of the year) but think Hawaii is too expensive hit me up for a discussion. Maybe we can start a Fb group. My plan is for 2-3 years from now.