Welcome to permies.com Noa.
I think that you picked a great place to start:
Since every living thing on earth is approximately 70% water, that shows how important water is to life on this planet.
Wells can be expensive up-front costs, but a good well can be a great way to break out of 'the system'.
Most states require (drinking) wells to be tested to make certain that they are fit to drink.
Most wells are fit to drink, but you mentioned that you are in PA. There is a lot of fracking going on in parts of PA.
There has been much discussion about the fracking contaminating ground waters.
Unless your water table is very near the surface, I would hire a professional to do this work for you.
There are hand pump systems which work fine for shallow wells.
The deeper you need to go to find water, the more sophisticated (expensive) equipment is needed.
A good compromise might be
solar. When you turn on the
lights at night, they will probably be on for hours, but water usage is much different. Very seldom will you have a faucet on for more than a few minutes. It doesn't need a lot of power for intermittent use. A single, small PV panel with an automotive battery should be sufficient for domestic water. Yacht stores, and RV stores have many 12V DC units available. (HINT: RV stores should be a lot cheaper than yacht stores.) I would
only buy a model that also sells rebuild kits (diaphrams, seals, etc), and I would buy the rebuild kit at the same time. (A couple years down the line when you need it, the store may not still be there, or the manufacturer may be pushing a newer model by then, and purposefully no longer carry replacement parts for your model.)
As far as rainwater collection goes, that is rather simple. Make certain that your roof material will not be a contaminate (ie, don't use asphalt). If this is for potable usage, you will probably want a 'first-flush' system to wash away the bird & squirrel
poop before it goes into your drinking system. This 'first-flush' water is perfectly suitable for irrigating your plants - that poop will help your plants grow stronger.
There are many threads here regarding watering systems. If you read through them, you will find many answers to your questions, as well as many things you may not have even thought about yet.
Enjoy your time here. There is a wealth of information here, most of it aimed at the people who want to be more self reliant.