I pulled the protective
fence a couple weeks ago and my kids have been playing on it since then. I mowed for the first time this season today. That bare patch is from poor seeding distribution caused by the fuchsia that was too attractive for my wife and the hummingbirds to trim back.
For comparison, here is my neighbors lawn. I don't know when he mowed or how his lawn got that patchy.
And another comparison, a patch of parking strip that I have done nothing to since last fall. It has not been mowed this season. The dirt in the foreground was where I had a basketball hoop set until a month or two ago.
I have a bunch of other monoculture areas of grass, but they have mostly been abused as I replace them with raised mounds, so they're not a fair comparison to what I'm doing in my back yard.
So far I am very happy with the results. Up close you can see all the 'weeds' and other things integral to the Fleur de Lawn mix, but from the street, or even my window, it looks like a mat of grass with excellent color. The real test will come as my kids continue to run on it and the inevitable summer drought starves it of