Hi all, I have just joined this site and I'm loving it. I came across it whilst searching the net for info on
cob structures and building techniques. My imagination has run riot with the possibilities of what I can do in terms of adding various cob structures to my garden. And so to the point of this post: My husband and I are starting a new build in February and the site is basically thick buttery clay (see photos) We will have tons of clay available free to anyone who wants it for cob building. We will of
course be holding some back for ourselves. We have dug test holes all around the site and were most surprised to find good clean clay. I feel sure a lot of it could be used without cleaning whilst the remainder will need to be cleaned. The depth of top soil varies around the garden from zero to about 2ft but in any case we shall be retaining the top soil for landscaping later on. If anyone is interested I would be happy for them to come a take some test samples to see if it meets with their approval and requirements. It may also be possible to coordinate things in such a way that our diggers can transfer the clay directly to your vehicle or trailer. I must stress that this is a genuine offer and not a cheapskate means for us to get rid of the spoil as we have already budgeted for it's removal but having seen the quality of the clay, I would love for someone to take advantage of it. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to message me.