IPC-UK 2015 International
Permaculture Convergence
Welcome to the first beginnings of IPC-UK!
We are delighted that the
Permaculture Association will be hosting the 12th International
Permaculture Convergence.
We are counting down and preparing for our biggest ever event - in fact many events - in September 2015. We have just attended the last IPC held in Cuba, and learnt a lot of valuable lessons and made some great connections.
IPC-UK will be a collaborative effort of the whole international
permaculture network. We are aiming to use the event to make closer links with the many other wonderful organisations and networks that are also working for Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares!
The plans so far... get the dates in your diaries, and register your interest.
August 2015 onwards: IPC-UK edge events start.
Workshops, lectures, visits and tours,
local volunteer experiences, masterclasses. We will have some of the world's most experienced permaculture designers and
project leaders. Lets learn as much as we can from them. We're looking for individuals and groups to help organise ipc-uk edge events. We will be publishing a guide to how you can offer an official IPC-UK edge event soon.
September 8th - 9th 2015: IPC-UK conference, London.
A 2 day conference bringing together permaculture,
sustainability, transition, resilience, and regeneration networks. Presentations, workshops, stall, exhibitions, academic papers and posters. Our public event. Awesome.
September 11th - 15th 2015: IPC-UK convergence,venue tbc
A 5 day convergence for Design Course graduates. 100s of workshops, activities, open space, international organising, strategy, networking and dancing.
September 16th - 19th onwards: ipc-edge events continue.
Tours, volunteering, local network
experience stays, specialist courses. Again, organised by you and supported by us.
Want to get involved and help organise? Email us to let us know if you want to volunteer. If you have particular skills tell us what they are. Email us if you want to organise an ipc-uk edge event, and we will send you a guide as soon as we have one.
Fundraising and sponsorship
We are looking for grants, donations and sponsors so that we can make the event as affordable as possible for people from across the international permaculture network. We also want to raise funds so we can provide scholarships. 50% of any surplus generated by the events will be passed on to ipc-India, whose IPC in 2017 will have the focus of 'women in agriculture'.
Lets be creative and raise some funds.
Social media
To help us get this out to people please use #IPCUK for tweets and join our
facebook page.
More soon.