I was researching mint, and apparently some people use it as an organic rodent control. The theory is that the smell is so overpowering to their noses that they want nothing to do with it. In some places they say to use mint extract, which I imagine would be much more potent than mint leaves and stems, but I've also read of people just using cut plant material.
We have
voles in the area, and they have girdled our
apple trees before. This got me thinking that growing mint around the trees and using it as green mulch might be a good way of deterring voles. Plus it would give a mint crop.
Mint supposedly does well in shade, so it seems like a good fit for even mature, shady forests.
The problem might be the
roots. I searched for images, and it looks like it forms a dense, shallow
root mass. Would this compete too much with tree roots?
I might have lucked out when it comes to mint in my climate. From what other gardeners are posting, it seems like mint in this area does really well for 1-3 years and then gives up the ghost. This might work out perfectly where I don't have to worry about it taking over if I'm a little lax on chopping and dropping it.
There are of
course other methods of vole control, but this might be a useful addition.