Ancestral Schools and programming
It has been asked, of late, about different schools. Since individuals can have a broad range of experiences in these schools (both very life changing and/or negative) it is not always fare to try and critque one, over the others without slipping into subjective opinion. Some of the most famous ones are often more "white wash" than actual school, promoting a personality over real honest skill sets. These can often breed a "normative culture" around them that is more about the "school or individual" than actual indigenous life skills.
Here are some schools that I am aware of directly or indirectly that present with great foundations. I have added a few comments where applicable. A great
local school to me with wonderful and dedicated instructors. A
Native American bases and focus program Lynx Vilden actually lives on a regular basis what most schools endeavors to teach. Simply one of the best A great gathering to meet folks with similar intersts. If individuals don't attend, or at least have attended with good form...well not probably a program to attend. I may not agree with all of Cody's concepts, but he is a great instructor and this outline of how to pick one is very good.
There is a rather infamous school on the East Coast that has much about it said (excellent and not so much.) I would send folks to the founder's
Son from my knowledge and
experience, then perhaps they could choose for themselves whether the other school is worth attending, if interested.
In closing, try to find a school or program where individuals have at least 20 years in this field and actually do (or have for extended periods) lived under these traditional systems.