Al Senner wrote:I have a 4 ft. long top bar hive that Im stocking with a 3 lb. package of Italian bees. How far apart should I set my follower boards for introduction of bees?
you have a kenyan horizontal top bar hive?
i would start w/ 10-12 bars...more if you need to make room for a sugar syrup feeder
if you
feed make sure it's a 1:1 sugar:
water ratio
an easy way to make a feeder is to get to sticks or board about half an inch thick and about 5 inches long and 1 inch on the bottom of the hive and grab a mason jar...grab a nail and pokes holes in the lid and pour syrup in jar and invert...bees will be able to suck that up till there's a good can add one or two feeders depending on the nectar flow in your area.