Earthen Hand Natural Building~
welcomes you to check out our newest type of
course allows you to study home made Earthen Paints and applications whenever you have time from your computer via our distance learning videos. These techniques are very accessible and easy to learn with this kind of guidance. Earthen Paints have been used for thousands of years to beautify human dwellings, and can produce a wide variety of colors and textures. They are non-toxic, ecological, and inexpensive to make.
Includes email support. Registration is anytime and ongoing. Email us at to begin. house
Our newest type of course allows you to study home made Earthen Paints and applications whenever you have time from your computer via our distance learning videos. These techniques are very accessible and easy to learn with this kind of guidance. Earthen Paints have been used for thousands of years to beautify human dwellings, and can produce a wide variety of colors and textures. They are non-toxic, ecological, and inexpensive to make.
Includes email support. Registration is anytime and ongoing. Email us at to begin.
Also check out our full web site to learn more about our Earthen works and full
workshop schedue for summer and fall.
Thanks so much for your interest, and for working in harmony with Nature.