Hi everybody,
I'm writing here about the next coming of Max Lindegger in Europe. Well, he needs no introduction, he is the designer of Crystal Waters, first
permaculture ecovillage, and creator/director of Global Ecovillage Network Oceania/Asia... (
For the birth of a new Master Unit (a sort of ecovillage based on
volunteer work, service to the
local community), he will come to Europe in mid may, to help designing the overall plan, and giving a special
Permaculture Design Course of 9 days, in the beautiful Portugal. 2h and half from Lisbon or Porto, it's a special place where to meet and learn
permaculture directly from Max, and be present to the birth of this
9 days with one of the greatest
permaculture experts in the world,
learning, experiencing and living permaculture,
giving birth to a Master Unit, a new Ecological Center.
An abbreviated list of Course Topics: - Ecoliteracy
Water and Desertification
- Healthy Soils
- Cultivated Ecosystems & Urban Gardens
- Natural & Harvest Forests
- Healthy Buildings &
Sustainable Settlements
- Community Food Systems
- Community Revitalisation & Local Economics
- Eco-Design
Presentations: - An example of a sustainable system: Crystal Waters Ecovillage, Australia
- Master Units - self-sufficient zones based on all-round-service
- Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) & Transition Movement in Portugal
- Neo-humanistic Education – ecology and holistic approach
- Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) – sustainable local economies
- Permaculture in Portugal - past, present and future - by Nelson Avelar
- Legal aspects,
land management and dealing with people - by Nelson Avelar
Site: Master Unit Ananda Kalyani
Located in the beautiful mountains of Serra da Estrela – Portugal
Limited number of participants.
Course fee and special discounts available: book as soon as possible.
More infos: Website: www.anandakalyani.org
Tel: (+351) 275 335 290, (+351) 914 674 719