WWOOF Thailand in Association with the
Permaculture Institute of Thailand offers both paid and unpaid internships in Thailand and surrounding countries. For more information go to WWOOF Thailand
Facebook page or www,wwoofhailand.com . WWOOF Thailand works closely with all the major
Permaculture Demonstration Projects in Thailand and the
Permaculture Institute of Asia. WWOOFing offers Permablitzes of practical hands on
experience in
sustainable living skills, creating food sovereignty and building community resilience through out ASIA. Projects include natural building, vermacultre,
water harvesting, earth works projects,
Solar energy, Aquapoincs, Hugelculture, Soldier fly larvae and many more natural living system skills.
WWOOF Thailand focuses on sustainable livelihoods and addresses issues of poverty, through community mobilization around income-generation activities, combining sustainable, cultural, ecological, food and craft dimensions of rural life which holds tremendous potential for both income generation and enhancement for the basic quality of life in rural areas.
We offer exceptional opportunities for the right person, free food and accommodation in exchange for 4-5 hours help around our many exciting projects. Have an experience you will never forget, make a difference in others lives while learning and building your
Permaculture skills.
See you in permaculture paradise.