Many years ago I made a treaty with the insect world: if they stay outside they are generally left alone, if they come inside my house they die. Generally this treaty has held thanks to an army of assassins (cats) in the house that love to go after creepy crawlies and the use of non-toxic treatments like
DE. However, there has been a recent coup by bunches and bunches of stink bugs (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug aka Halyomorpha halys). Although a big problem for many crops including
apple, peaches, tomatoes and sweet corn I don't have any crops in this year since I just moved this month. They have however infiltrated my laundry room in alarming numbers. This door gets a lot of activity since its the one we use to let the dogs outside many times a day.
I understand this pest has been imported from China/Japan/Korea. Do they have any type of natural enemy? Anyone have any suggestions for dealing with these buggers? I'd like to try some things this year so I can have a head start for next year when they could go after my crops.