Planted the starts I got from Jon around the
yard. I am in zone 6, Somerville MA, and they didn't put out leaves until fairly late in the spring. Mostly they are still pretty small but doing well. He sent me a bonus big
root for grating and eating too (thanks Jon!). I did eat a bit of it, but planted most of it in a 1 meter wide terraced bed in my backyard which is mainly for espaliered
apple trees and shortish companion perennials. It gets pretty good sun and the soil is decent and improving.
Already the horseradish is big! In the picture, you can see it back center. The plant just in front of it is coming out of one of the smaller roots I got. I didn't realize they were supposed to be planted horizontally, so I put them in vertically although I wasn't sure which side to put up or down. I don't think it matters that much given results so far. I've been nibbling the greens and they are tasty.
Also visible in the picture:
- Opalescent
apple on B9/B118 interstem (planted last spring), being trained to the cable
- Potato onions, leeks (annual - stuck them in here because there was a little space)
- Daffodils, oriental poppy, iris, tulips, chamomile
- red clover, sorrel