#TechFarmers campaign has less than 61 hours left. We are 16%, all made possible by your wonderful contributions and support. Thank you so much!
Why is our work important?
We believe that working with communities to grow and share healthy food helps cultivate healthy communities able to sustain themselves in future. Training farmers in
permaculture design helps farmers build increasingly self-sufficient food production systems and regenerate the ecosystems that provide for their communities. We have been doing this since 2010 and we want to train thousands of farmers in 2015.
Let's go through the last 61 hours together; contributing, reaching out to more friends, family and workmates and encouraging them to support our
Permaculture and Information technology projects for farmers and, also request them to share the campaign widely with their friends.
Be part of our
permaculture movement, please support
permaculture and the
#Techfarmers through this link