We still got room in our 2010-2011 Wilderness Immersion Program. This is the last year we will run it in this form. Next year will be radically different. Less (and yet more) blended between
permaculture and hunter-gatherer living. We may even play those elements at odds with one another, using conflict for growth (read giant permaculture/hunter-gatherer reality/fantasy TV show). In the Fall 2010 iteration of the program they peacefully exist.
We are moving on because while we like the current program we don't have resources to run both concepts. Next year's application process will be almost impossible, plus it will be more expensive due to higher costs of operation (it will be HUGE). So if you want to benefit from a stable, smaller scale program I recommend 2010-2011 (this year's). If want something ridiculously radical, fun, scary, groundbreaking and definitely extremely untested, hold out till next year.
Cheers, Tony Deis, Trackers Earth, Founder
2010-2011 Wilderness Immersion Program It takes place on the Oregon Coast at our 15-acre
permaculture farm. You join a supportive team and community on a 9-month journey through hunter-gather living,
permaculture and remaking a world the needs to exist. Become a Ranger, Wilder, Artisan or Mariner.
Join our 9-month,
Full-Time Wilderness Immersion Program