I have been using a circular yearly calendar this year to better plan my plantings and projects...and also to show rainfall and snow falls. It's a super way to see a years worth of information
So what I do is use a template which can be used for any year...and then add the first day of each month (ie if the list of January is a Monday, i put a small "1" in that box). I don't number every box...cause I am too lazy..and I can always work out the days as I add data.
I also add the last and first frost dates for my town...then with a highlighter I mark out my growing season. Then I can start planning.
Here is my data on snow and rainfall so far on our homestead....same deal.
The templates are cheap (like 99c ) or FREE if you sign up for the newsletter. People already signed up will get them emailed to them. You can then use the templates over and over, year after year.
Anyways - just a nice tool that I wanted to share!