This is my first time with pigs, so i still have a lot to learn. but ours get tons of vegetable scraps from the garden. they have access to pasture, but the majority of inputs is vegi waste. this varies from day to day (depending on what is harvested), but is usually lettuce, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, kale, ect... they get ~3 5 gal buckets/pig in the AM and 3 5 gal buckets/pig in the PM. they do get whey/milk 1-2 days per/week, as well as 5 kilos/pig of spent brewers grain 1 day/week. i also
feed them the yeast from the fermentors (.25 gal/pig/week). i would like to increase the amount of grain, but that would mean me buying another fermentor.......
this is the first time in the pasture, so after they are moved on to fresh pasture, i have been seeding with clover, squash, beens, corn, borage, kale, and radish.
i have never raised pigs the "normal" way, so i have nothing to compare them to, but they are healthy, fat, and seem to be growing at a good pace.