I was sitting in my back
yard watching the
bees and saw a few strange things. First of all, a wasp walked right into the hive. The
bees didn't even try to stop it. Secondly, a few hours later, I saw a bee pulling a white thing across the table that the hive is on. I realized on closer inspection that the white thing is actually a developing bee. It was still wet. I never saw how it got onto the table. A short time later, I saw a bee that looked black and had a paralyzed leg, run as best as it could, from the hive and right off the table.
I've only had this hive for a month and have no
experience with bees until now. I don't know what to do. I've been guarding the bees from the wasps with an electric fly bat since the wasps won't go into the traps. I have seen some wasps eating my bees and I can't do anything about it unless I'm constantly guarding them.
I have seen quite a few bees walking around in the grass near the hive and I've seen some start convulssing until they die. I gave them a jar of sugar
water with tea tree oil in it today to see if that will help.
The mixture I made up was a quart of 1:1 sugar water blended in the vitamix with about 10 drops of tea tree oil. The bees seem to be enjoying it. Any other suggestions??