Finca Quijote is a 10 year old homestead/family farm in the wet tropics of Costa Rica. We are now offering internship opportunities to folks who would like to try out work on a homestead before doing it on their own. Learning the ropes you might say.
Our farm is an educational and demonstration farm for
permaculture in the wet tropics.
Permaculture isn’t just a way of farming or a hobby, on the homestead it’s a lifestyle.
Permaculture is a part of our lives right down to how we process our garbage and dry our clothes. In addition to the farm basics such as planning, planting, maintaining, harvesting, animal care and etc., this year we will be doing earthbag and bamboo construction on the farm. It is all hard work, but very rewarding with new skills to be learned along the way.
Learning Opportunities:
Our interns have the opportunity to
experience and learn from all aspects of life on our homestead including farm work and the various projects happening this year.
The following is an abbreviated list of the things you can learn.
-Permaculture (Planning, Planting, Maintaining and Harvesting)
-Compost (Manure,
Humanure and Plant Materials)
-Animal Care (Cows,
Chickens and Tilapia)
-Propagating, Planting and Harvesting Food and Animal
-Cooking (Learn to Prepare
Native Roots, Fruits, Veggies and More)
Rocket Stove Technology (Learn to Design, Build and Use this Technology)
Energy Production (We are about to upgrade our system.)
If you are interested, please check out a full description of the internship, cost and more on our website at