Trying to gauge interest on this concept:
A design-studio-style engagement (not a
course, per se, but could be setup that way) in which permaculturists give feedback (“critique”) on designs and help improve them.
I have my Architecture degree (Masters) but I’m not licensed. Having taken the
PDC, I feel like I’ve gotten through the 100/200 level of the design concepts, but I feel that i’m missing out on the understanding that comes from theoretical design projects and review. Given a program (a set of constraints, a client, and a site), I would love to be able to go through a 3 to 4 month design process with weekly reviews from both “classmates” (in this case, the forum/public) and professionals (most of our “teachers” in arch school were practicing architects who came in to run a design studio course).
Design studios had very little “lecture” outside of the initial program definition. It’s main focus is on iterative design and feedback to help look at solving problems better. It was always exciting to see how 15 people interpreted the same site and program in radically different ways for me.
Would you be interested in this kind of setup?
What would you pay (if anything) to participate?
Would you pay if “name” permaculturists were reviewing work? (e.g.
Ben Falk, Paul,
Toby Hemenway, etc. - none of whom I’ve talked to about this yet btw, so don’t take those names as any kind of implied existing association)