PDC teacher wanted.. help request from Gambia
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Author: lamin s kinteh (IP:,
Dear Sir/Madam
I found your details on line when I was doing some
I am Lamin s Kinteh Chairman and am currently working on behalf of the
Ecotourism Society, the Gambia to help develop
permaculture in the
Gambia. We believe that ecotourism and
permaculture are both essential
sustainable development.
Our aims are to create a central
permaculture resource centre as well
as build a strong permaculture network across the country by gathering
as much training materials and information on permaculture and organic
farming as possible. We would then aim to bring the information to the
rural communities in the upcountry regions and create a permaculture
revolution in our country.
We believe that by developing a permaculture movement here, we will
help the government's aims to make the Gambia a 100% organic and food
self-sufficient country.
The challenge is that although we are a nation of farmers, as yet we
don't have any permaculture experts in the country. We were wondering
whether you could help!
We need help with finding some excellent permaculture experts who
might be interested in either becoming skype mentors or coming to the
Gambia to work with us. We have wonderful accommodation to offer them
for free at our permaculture eco lodge near the beach as well as full
office facilities at our offices. We can also
feed people who come to
work with us.
In addition we'd be very grateful for any help in building a
permaculture resource centre by finding all the best training videos
and education materials.
Please let me know whether this is something you could help with.
Very best wishes.
Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
Skype: jonathanlatham2
Tel: 1-607-319-0279
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits
and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic
society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our country.”—Edward Bernays, Propaganda