I retrofitted my conventional looking orchard with trees on flat ground, after reading
Art's book when installing a laundry-landscape system. I dug in paths (1.5 feet deep) around my trees and used the dirt to create a
berm around the tree. This effectively raised the tree for better draining, and provide a basin to collect water. The trees were young (2 years old). I also did it on a ten year old tree orange. I also just worked at the edge of the drip line. Trees have done really well. We've been in a historic drought in California, and I've kept my small orchard about 8-9 mulched basins doing pretty good with mostly just laundry water and what little rainwater I could capture. Mulch saves a ton of water. I attached a diagram of my idealized urban orchard retrofit, based on Art's graywater info and Pauls paddock and
hugel culture stuff. My little berms are 30" wide and I cultivate the tops with annuals within the orchard, mostly greens that can thrive in the shade and
feed the