There is a sizeable area of my
lawn that is dedicated to the leach field for my septic system. Right now there is just grass and weeds growing there but I imagine it would be pretty fertile for growing. Not too keen on eating stuff fertilized with human waste (I know lots do, but I'm just not open to it right now) but I think it would be perfect to grow stuff for my
chickens and ducks.
So my questions are;
Have any of you grown anything on a leach field?
What can I grow that I don't have to worry about damaging the system (no
deep roots).
What can I grow that doesn't get too tall. It's already on a hill and it's right next to my patio. I would like it to look somewhat neat.
And what can withstand trampling by ducks feet and scratching from the
chickens? I would probably put a temporary
fence up until it get's established but then let the critters help themselves to whatever is growing there.