We’re a family of 4 with an awesome, ever-growing Portland, OR urban homestead, seeking to exchange room and board in our sweet 3bed/1bath home in exchange for 15-20 hours/week help completing some summer building projects. We’re looking for help during the dry season, roughly May-Sept to take the lead in completing a reclaimed window
greenhouse, as well as a
cob oven/bench. We’re enthusiastic to assist with construction, however the needs of our young children and work outside the home (as well of lack of
experience with natural building and construction) have us seeking a person (or couple) with experience in natural building that will see these projects through to completion.
Your accommodations will be a finished, furnished, heated/cooled attic space with shared bathroom and kitchen, but otherwise separate from the sometimes wild-and-crazy scene that is our young family. We’ve got a large annual garden, as well as a baby (just planted last year!) food forest in development in the back
yard. We have nearly a dozen types of berries established throughout the grounds as well as 3
chickens. We’re big on rainwater collection (nearly 1000 gallons between various totes and barrels),
compost, and building soil fertility. We also brew beer and can prodigiously, both skills we’d love to share.
As mentioned above, we have young children in our home, so it is imperative that any potential guests are smoking and drug/alcohol abuse free and can abide by 10pm-9am quiet hours.
Interested? Send me a message and lets talk!