"Ready, Set...GROW! Rev Up Your Growing Space Now"
Live Webinar with Q&A this Saturday, February 27th
Concrete actions you can take today to amp up your harvest this year. If you've been tuning into the Grow Your Own Vegetables 4-part
video training (see threads), I've been talking about finding the space, time and money to harvest armloads of homegrown vegetables. If you know you're growing your own this year, what can you do NOW to prepare for your best harvest yet.
Here's what to expect:
* How observation is an action that can prevent mistakes
* Plan some key dates on your calendar to better prepare you for the season
* Deciding your
trellis strategy now so you can start scavenging free materials
+ more
Please come prepared to ask me about your biggest challenge getting started each growing season.
I'll be answering questions for at least an hour.
DATE: Saturday, February 27
TIME: 1pm Eastern
CLICK HERE to register