Your land looks pretty flat from the air, but there must be some kind of contour, however slight. I would base my design on the contour so that the parts can work together. Your road can be a catchment for
water, etc. Also, once you've chosen your home site, you can start thinking in zones closer and further from the house to plan your use of the land, with the areas needing to be visited least being furthest from your back door. The septic system's leach lines can be under an area used for shrubby plants like berries and other perennials which don't have invasive
roots. Living areas could be adorned with arcades, trellises, and pergolas for 20 years while shade
trees are growing.
Chicken coops can be placed as semicircular hubs so the you can access the nesting boxes from the home side and rotate the birds into various pasture areas and/ or gardens from the other side for grazing as needed. Double-fencing around the garden and run
chickens in between during the day and dogs at night.